But hallelujah and all that jazz! Christ is risen and I'm back on the drink! And literally, the drink because that's all it takes nowadays. Just the one and pfff! I am donezo. It is that quick and I kid you not.
But you know what is the biggest revelation of all?
It wasn't that hard. And I kind of want back on the wagon. Shhh.
The hardest part of all was when my own mother decided to be a bad influence and tempt me to the dark side! She did not win. I persevered. We are still friends but I will never forget that! Never! Probably only because she had some of my favorite wine and I love having wine with my mama, especially when it's my favorite.
But here is where I stand on my pedestal (oh look at that! we're the same height now! i can't even see those stray hairs on the underside of your chin now!) and toot my own horn and maybe, just maybe, get a little sentimental.
This now marks the 6th year in a row! that I have not given up on my Lenten promise. That is a big thing for me because while I am stubborn as all get-out, I usually fail with self-improvement (those extra love handles around my waist? yup, been there for quite some time now!). And when I fail, so does my self-esteem. But for whatever reason, when I became an adult (aka graduated and got myself a real j-o-b), I made Lenten resolutions that were SMART and kept them. Every single one. No excuses, no leeway, no cheating.
And it's made me realize just how silly they are. Just how much they don't matter. But just how much I want to do them because it's something. Some way to say thanks. That I can't comprehend but I acknowledge and am grateful for what I've been given. That there's no way not drinking for
It reminds me every day that I'm here because of someone else, for someone else. It humbles me and empowers me and generally makes me want to hug everyone I see (watch out, I'm a hugger!). It is sincerely awesome. Kinda like Him.
Cheers to that!